GLL Episode 914

CLL #914 (feat. The Love Between The Two Hosts)

03/31/1999 – Wednesday Night Show

Source – Kevin Tape (2016) with Tobydog Tape (2010) Patches

This is a brand new merging of the only two known sources, the episode is now 100% complete with the lost 10 minutes finally restored. This episode features the origin of one of the best “Out Of Context Drew Drops” and Adam has an epic rant about network and cable televison, with many predictions that came true a decade later. Adam rants about childproof lighters and other items that are made more difficult to use to protect children. Towards the end of the show they get a call from an angry Wiccan who takes issue with how Adam speaks about paganism. Do Not Miss This Episode!

LLT Notes: Origin of “hey i’m doing drugs, i’m a prostitute, i’m a stripper, i’ve been in so many relationships, i don’t know whether i’m gay or straight,” Drew drop

Music Provided by Rich Banks

Check out His Website and Soundcloud to hear more of his awesome work and perhaps commission him for your next project.

