GLL Episode 903

CLL #903 (feat. Teen Reproductive Health Line)

03/16/1999 – Tuesday Night Show

Source – Kevin Tape (2016) with Tobydog Tape (2009) Patches

This is a brand new merging of the newest acquired source with patches from the old Toby Tape. This episode is 100% complete, Diane, Brenda and Nicole from the Teen Reproductive Health Line all join the show after the first break. Adam and Drew have the guests explain how the Health Line works and they prove to be a nice audience for Adam’s comedy later in the show. Solid episode that is reminiscent of Condom Week 1997. Adam calls Dr. Drew out for cutting off the guests mid answer and the boys critique the previous night’s guest Janeane Garofalo and her identity politics/cultural relativism that she shared on the show.

Music Provided by Rich Banks

Check out His Website and Soundcloud to hear more of his awesome work and perhaps commission him for your next project.
