G.I.O. Get It On Episode 267

The Coolest Girl in 7th Grade

This very special episode has a brand new interview with my old buddy Xan @Blakelymusic, the body of the show features the first and second appearances of Louis C.K. from the KLSX Adam Carolla Show from Feb. 10th and 22nd 2006, after the interview I included some bonus Loveline calls that felt appropriate due to the subject matter.


Her 3rd Album Al’Kemek Only 7 Days left to help her band fund the production.

If you contribute to the campaign please leave a comment or contact me with the info and the amount and I will add you to my “Dollar Donation Tree” and we can help her get at least another 999 dollars in the next week, lets do this!



Like Her Facebook Page

Natural High

by Solburst – 1st Album


by Alexandra Blakely – 2nd Album