GLL Episode 734

CLL #734 (feat. The Surfers) – 07/22/1998 – Wednesday Night Show

Source – Kevin Tape (2016) with Spinfly Tape (2009) and JBJ Tape (2008) Patches

This is the new Kevin tape with some patches from the previously acquired recordings, Kelly Slater, Rob Machado and Peter King from the short-lived band known as ‘The Surfers’ are making their one and only appearance as a band on CLL. Kelly has some other appearances on the show, the band are pretty much silent most of the show until towards the end, The What’s My Dad Doing in Israel girl calls back with clearer sinuses this time. Great episode and nearly 100% complete, only missing the first 15 – 30 seconds during the opening call and it is the one time only that they play a fan’s mashup of Adam and Drew talking about and to James The Zoosexual.

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From Wiki: In the late 1990s Slater, with friends and fellow pro surfers Rob Machado and Peter King, formed a band called The Surfers. The trio released an album in 1998 titled Songs from the Pipe, a reference to the famous surf spot Pipeline on Oahu, Hawaii. Kelly toured Australia with his band, performing in venues such as the Opera House and parliament house. He was given an honorary membership to the Rickson Cricket Club in northwest Sydney.


Amazon Podcasting Essentials – All The Gear I Use

Music Provided by Rich Banks

Check out His Website and Soundcloud to hear more of his awesome work and perhaps commission him for your next project.
