GLL Episode 1404

CLL #1404 (feat. Lysa Mateu)

02/14/2001 Wednesday Night Show

Source Stream Recording (2001) with KFRR Stream Recording (2001) Patches

This episode is one of the most unique in the LoveLine history, just Adam and Lisa the Psychic, it does not go well… I have not heard this episode in over a decade, I can’t wait to hear if the very awkward energy is as enjoyable as I used to find it. Another “sadly this is all we got” episode, I’ve done my best to remaster and Frankenstein the scraps back into a 100% complete episode with not the worst audio in the archive.

The Love Between The Two Hosts – CLL on Youtube, with Video for select episodes.

Music Provided by Rich Banks

Check out His Website and Soundcloud to hear more of his awesome work and perhaps commission him for your next project.

