GLL Episode 760

CLL #760 (feat. Matchbox 20) – 08/27/1998 – Thursday Night Show

Source – Kevin Tape (2016) with TobyDog Tape (Pre – 2007) and a Matchbox 20 Fan Tape from (2010) for patches

This is the new Kevin tape, I patched in the TobyDog tape to fill the holes and a tape sent to us by a fan of the band back in 2010. This is the final show before they take a week off with the new Multi-Segment “Best Of” which would become the standard for the majority of all future replays. This is a hilarious episode, there is another follow up about caller “Michelle” and their blind female detective caller. The band are making their 2nd appearance on CLL and prove to be great guests, both Adam and Drew wanted to go an extra hour as they were having so much fun. The Episode is now 100% complete and all of the missing content has been restored, over 20 new minutes of gold!


Amazon Podcasting Essentials – All The Gear I Use

Music Provided by Rich Banks

Check out His Website and Soundcloud to hear more of his awesome work and perhaps commission him for your next project.
